East Sussex Omnibus Society

Leyland Lion - No. 12


Meetings 2017


Our meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month at the Westham Village Hall at Peelings Lane, Westham, BN24 5HE, near Eastbourne, unless stated otherwise.

We have put together a varied programme of events and will do our utmost to keep within the calendar, however, we reserve the right to alter or cancel the dates where applicable.

The programme for 2017 is listed below.

12th JanuaryMick Hymans takes a look at Southdown with a DVD presentation of Bygone Buses.
9th FebruaryAlan Snatt opens his vault for another trip around the UK.
9th MarchTo be advised.
2nd AprilEastbourne Historic Vehicle Club Collectors Fair, Polegate Community Hall.
13th AprilLeon Daniels gives an address on the London scene.
29th &
20th April
Magnificent Motors Rally on Eastbourne Seafront.
For more information on this event, visit the website at www.magnificentmotors.co.uk
11th MayJohn Bishop presents ‘Around the World in 80 Days’.
8th JuneA country run out with Peter Haining.
13th JulyAnnual General Meeting.
Followed by a presentation.
10th AugustA chance for you to shine, members video evening!
26th to 28th August42nd Festival of Transport Show at Hellingly.
For more information on this event, visit the Eastbourne Historic Vehicle Club website at www.ehvc.co.uk
14th SeptemberGerald Mead with some more photographic gems.
12th OctoberGraham Holleyman takes us back over the years with buses.
9th NovemberRoy Mellor takes centre stage with a potpourri of 2016/17.
3rd DecemberEastbourne Historic Vehicle Club Collectors Fair, Polegate Community Hall.
14th DecemberChristmas Evening with member's slides, raffle and mince pies.

- Meetings 2017 - printable PDF file.


Meeting Reports

  Reports of this year's meetings are listed below. For reports of other year's meetings, click here.
October 2017
Graham Holleyman takes us back over the years with buses.

This month we had a speaker completely new to the Society in the shape of Graham Holleyman. I have known Graham for a while now through my meetings with various members of the Tinkers Park Trust at Hadlow Down and with Graham being heavily involved with the restoration of CAP 229, I have learned of his passion for Brighton, Hove & District and for all things Southdown. He, somewhat foolishly, let me know of his collection of photos of these companies before the establishment of the National Bus Company and his intention, one day, to restore and assemble them on a disc! In a flash I had cajoled him into putting said disc into a programme for the ESOS Social meeings and thus he duly rolled up at Westham with his computer complete with the said disc!

Graham, like me (and I suspect, most of the rest of us...Ed) loved Southdown and we were transported back to the early sixties in monochrome, when the last pre-war Titans had gone but there were still wartime Guy 'Arabs' in abundance, mainly in open-top form. Many of Graham's photos were in the Brighton area and particularly at Pool Valley, but we did go 'out and about' with some very interesting and unique views of the 15xx 'Royal Tigers'. We were then treated to a similar examination of that other love of mine . . . . Brighton, Hove & District, with Bristol K types galore!

The break came all too soon before we embarked upon some unique views of demonstrators with Southdown, including a yellow Guy 'Wulfrunian' and a Strachans bodied Guy 'Arab' V on the 12 route, presumably when Guy Motors were trying to win back support from the company following the successful supply of many deckers in the mid-fifies. We also saw Maidstone & District vehicles in the Brighton area and carried on until the earliest days of NBC when Graham admitted his enthusiasm waned and eventually died. Our final collection was of a "Southdown Day" held at Worthing early in the 21st Century when everything 'Southdown preserved' was pressed into service for one final "Day to Remember", and all in perfect weather. This show was definitely "one to remember" and the applause at the end said it all. Thank you Graham.

John Bishop

Page last Updated: 1st January 2018

Website owned and maintained by East Sussex Omnibus Society
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